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Hanslope Park

Thu, 05/11/09 - 12:39 - admin

United Kingdom
52° 6' 16.272" N, 52° 6' 16.272" E



Field Notes

Home to Her Majesty's Government Communications Centre (HMGCC), Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), TSD (Technical Security Department), and providing lots of support for Secret Intelligence Services (SIS for MI6). According to publicly available information, the site has a long history of activity associated with the British Secret Service, and was established during the period in which Bletchley Park was also active. Currently home to some ICT for SIS and super-computing facilities, it is also a site where a full virtual to physical manufacturing capacity for development and testing of new technologies can be undertaken. The radome pictured is not used for radar, but is a vehicle testing lab for new in-car technologies, it is alleged.

The site is adjacent to the Hanslope Manor House, a heritage building owned and run by Foreign Commonwealth Office as part of the Park.

Read the website of HMGCC whose online strap line is:

Clearly this a highly sensitive site, and as we did not know that much about it before we approached it, we were surprised that it was not easy to approach for photography purposes as all roads are high speed and there is little room to pull over. The amount of staff activity, perhaps a shift change, was high for the research visit, and we felt it was unwise to linger. Clearly, after reading more on the site, we would advise it would be best to approach Hanslope Park directly if ORP researchers wish to probe further.