International School for Security and Explosives Education (ISSEE)
Tue, 10/03/09 - 16:26 - researcher
Field Notes
Based at the UK Centre for Homeland Security - Former RAF Chilmark, Chilmark, ISSEE offers a wide range of search, security and counter terrorist training. ISSEE's main aim is providing world class explosives courses including Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD), Improvised Explosives Device Disposal (IEDD) to international military, police, government and commercial organisations. It Offers City and Guilds of London Institute academic awards to security operators. In addition to ISSEE's presence at the Former RAF Chilmark, the local site is also home to AirRobot, a UK Comapny who develop their UAV vehicles here. AirRobot UK is a supplier of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS's).
The Department of Homeland Security is set in 55 acres, acres which includes hardstanding, grass and woodlands, search houses, railway carriage, buses and cars. The site runs through wooded areas and the main road to the headquarter building is also crossed by railway line serving the Chilmark Stone quarry, stone favoured by the architect Sir Christopher Wren. Some interesting information is provided on Chilmark Stone quarry website: "In 1937 the Ministry of Defence took over the ravine and started to build a munitions storage facility. The mines finally ceased working in 1939. Ironically during the construction of the extensive buildings constructed for the RAF it was Bath stone that was used in exterior door surrounds. The larger of the two mines became what was to be one of the most important munitions storage areas in the country. The munitions were assembled above ground and then lowered into the larger of the two main mines via a lift before being transported to their temporary resting place by narrow gauge railway. When required for deployment to strategic airfields they would leave the mine again on narrow gauge railway along the ravine heading south towards the main London to Exeter line. The ravine was fully operational by the RAF employing up to 125 people until 31March 1995." The site is also adjacent to former Regional Government Headquarters (RGHQ) bunker at Ham Cross. An additional site visit with a request for access may be planned in future. Further research on this and other RSG sites are part of Mike Kenners ongoing research into Home Defence Plans. See Mike Kenner Archive.